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about the artist 

I have a Bachelor of Art in Art Education (BA)1985 from Konstfacksskolan, Stockholm, Sweden. I have also studied Art History and Science at the University of Lund in Sweden. Teaching Art, as an Art Teacher in a multicultural gymnasium school (upper secondary pre university school) gives me the chance to influence the young generation of the cultural values of Art, Form and Design.

My first exhibition as an artist was in 1987 at the art exhibition, Lunds Konsthall,  Sweden. The former art gallery manager Marianne Nanne Bråhammar became interested in my work, since she thought I showed the present moments of our time.

 I still live in the present moments and although it sometimes takes different forms and appearances in my work, I am still in my sense of the hour, in my own time.


Judith B Bæcklund

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” 

Pablo Picasso 
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